"Hampshire's Premier Annual Bowling Event"
Seeking new sponsor for 2026
Tournament Regulations
It should be noted that there has never been a code of law that has achieved such perfection that all possibilities are covered.
The Southampton Open Bowls Tournament, here in after referred to as the ‘committee’, hopes all competitors playing in this event do so
on the understanding that where no specific regulation applies to the situation that common sense and good sportsmanship will prevail.
All competitions will, as far as possible, be conducted under the present BOWLS ENGLAND laws. Any deviation will be recognised as
having been made to bring about a satisfactory conclusion to the tournament.
There are six main competitions: men’s singles, men’s pairs, men’s triples, ladies’ singles,
ladies’ pairs and ladies’ triples. The singles and pairs competitions will consist of four bowls
for each player – 21 shots and 18 ends respectively. The triples events will be three bowls per
player – 18 ends. Two trial ends, two bowls only per player will be allowed in all competitions.
Subject to the tournament schedule running to plan, the committee may organise an open
consolation pairs from Thursday onwards. The number of ends for this competition will be
determined before each round takes place. NB. Minimum of 8 and a maximum of 32 entries for the open consolation pairs competition.
The committee reserves the right to reduce the number of ends or points per game as and when it is thought necessary: e.g. due to bad
When the green steward and or green keeper decide that play cannot continue on a green or rink because of the weather and there is no
likelihood of early resumption, the following rule shall apply: The player/team having scored the most shots at the cessation of play shall be
declared the winner(s). If the scores are tied then the player/team winning the most ends will be the winner(s). If both scores and winning
ends are tied, then the outcome will then be determined on the toss of a coin.
The players in the first match, one of whom shall be named in the official competitor list held by the Secretary will constitute the team. From Monday to Friday each team will be allowed one and the same substitute up to Finals Saturday, when if any team member(s) have qualified for multiple finals then Tournament Regulation 13. Finals. will apply in respect of substitutes. Substitutes are not allowed in the singles competition. In order to meet a special situation, e.g. a player in a team becomes ill and cannot continue, a second substitute where the original cannot be contacted, may be used in order for the team to continue play in that match only. Thereafter the team must revert to the original substitute in any further matches. The second substitute must be a person who has not already played in that competition.
Start times for play are listed in the programme. A competitor/team will be allowed a maximum of 12 minutes thereafter to start play
otherwise their opponent(s) may claim the match. Any further delay can only be accepted with the agreement of both singles players or in
team matches, the two skips, and the duty green steward. The latter has the authority to reduce the number of ends/points to bring a
satisfactory conclusion to the match. It may be due to bad weather etc that the scheduled start times have to be altered. The onus is upon
the competitor(s) to regularly check with the green steward for any changes to the scheduled start times.
If the tournament is to come to a satisfactory conclusion, then every competitor must co-operate. Constant visits to the ‘head’ are
unnecessary and unacceptable. Competitors seen to be doing this by the green steward or umpire will be reminded once only. Further
infringements will amount to the match being stopped and the opponent(s) being awarded the game. The committee have resisted imposing
time limits that are evident in a number of other tournaments and are subject to criticism.
Suitable tailored club uniform consisting of coloured club shirt, shorts or trousers may be worn
throughout the week, provided that all team members (pair or triple) are wearing identical club
uniform and that the shirts do not display any other advertising other than the current club
sponsors. Custom made tailored white or coloured polo shirts (with names or suitable nicknames) for pairs or triples teams are also permitted.
From Monday to Wednesday individual Competitors are required to wear suitable tailored white or club shirts with grey or black tailored shorts or trousers. Competitors in the pairs or triples events are required to wear identical bowls wear within the above choices, or club uniform as above.
From Thursday to Saturday individual Competitors are required to wear either suitable tailored
white shirts, shorts or trousers, or white tailored shorts or trousers with optional club shirt.
Competitors in the pairs or triples events are required to wear identical bowls wear or club uniform as above.
The wearing of jeans or non-tailored shirts, shorts or trousers is strictly prohibited.
In the event of a dispute over the laws of the game which cannot be resolved by the players or the umpire, then in his absence the green
steward shall be called. The decision made shall be final even if at a later stage, it is found to be incorrect.
Like most other tournaments, finding sufficient markers for singles matches is extremely difficult. Players must accept that markers are
unpaid volunteers. Markers will maintain the scorecard and answer questions to the best of their ability from the player who is ‘in possession
of the mat’. The onus is on the player to judge whether the opinion is correct or otherwise. Queries beyond the markers opinion should be
addressed to the umpire or the green steward and that decision shall be final irrespective of the fact that it was later discovered to be
At the end of the match the scorecards shall be signed by both players in singles matches and by both skips in team matches. It is the
winning player/team’s responsibility to ensure that the scorecard is then handed in to the green steward.
The Tournament Finals are scheduled to finish at 6pm on Saturday. However, dispensation may be given if player(s) are involved in more than one Final. If any player(s) qualify for three Men’s or Ladies Finals they will have two options:
Option 1. To find a legal substitute in either the Men’s or Ladies Pairs or Triples. Option 2. To request the Tournament Committee’s permission to participate in all three Finals. The player(s) request will only be approved provided that the Tournament Secretary is satisfied that the participation of the player(s) in three Finals can be accommodated into the Finals Day scheduling. The Tournament Safety Officer must also agree that the player(s) concerned are physically able to play in three Finals, and that the prevalent weather conditions will not cause any health or safety issues. Player(s) must also accept that they may only receive a 15-minute break between finals.
If the Player(s) request to participate in three Finals under Option 2 is denied then Option 1 will apply.
For the benefit of spectators, every effort will be made to ensure timings for the Finals are as scheduled in the programme. Nevertheless, when player(s) are involved in multiple Finals the Committee will regard the player(s) concerned as more important.
Each year the committee has the onerous task of notifying opponents and markers of late withdrawals. Any entrant withdrawing from the
singles competition, or the whole team withdrawing from one or other of the competitions before the tournament commences may be
replaced by a player or team not previously entered in that competition. The replacements shall be taken from a waiting list of people, in
strict rotation, who were too late to enter the tournament proper and have notified the tournament secretary of their desire to be placed on
the waiting list. Players who have byes will not be affected by this regulation and no replacements will be entered after the preliminary or,
as the case may be, the first round of that competition has taken place. e.g. a player or team who plays the first match and then
withdraws after winning cannot be replaced.
Perpetual trophies presented to all finalists will always remain the property of the committee. They are valuable and subject to insurance.
Winners will be allowed to retain them for one year provided they sign an indemnity before leaving the tournament on finals day.
For insurance purposes, trophies are not allowed to be taken out of the British Isles. Engraving of these trophies must be carried out by the
engravers nominated on the indemnity form. Any other engraving must be carried out by a professional engraver and at the holder’s own
expense. All trophies must be personally returned to the tournament assistant secretary before 1st July of each year, or at another time
agreed with him.
If you have a complaint about the tournament please address it immediately to a committee member. If you are still dissatisfied then your
complaint must be in writing and sent to the tournament secretary, within 14 days of the tournament ending. Your complaint will be brought
to the attention of the committee and you will receive our response as soon as possible after a decision has been reached.
Competitors entering the tournament do so on the understanding that any personal injury, damage or loss of property will not be subject to
compensation by the tournament itself or any of the host clubs.
All venues utilised in the tournament are on loan. Competitors are expected to abide by the club rules. Such rules are not always evident.
If in doubt, please ask the duty green steward as it will save embarrassment all round.
The committee requires every competitor to maintain a courteous standard of personal conduct in keeping with the high traditions of playing
the game of bowls. Any person seen by a green steward or umpire to be disturbing the opposition or adjoining rink(s) of players through
conduct which could be described as unbecoming and should have been avoided, will be told to leave the green and disqualified from taking
part in any other tournament competitions during the week. Team member(s) will also be disqualified from taking any further part in that
particular competition. The committee reserves the right to refuse entry into future tournaments by the offending player(s) sine die.
The tournament is very dependent on sponsorship and as a condition of entry all competitors, whenever required to do so, MUST during
play use the stickers on their bowls that have been provided by the committee to advertise our sponsors.
These regulations are merely a guide for competitors. The committee reserves the right to alter, amend or vary the regulations at any time.